Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Just A Little Pathetic

Today... yet another slow one. However there is a story. It was about lunchtime when I was overly delighted to hear that we were going shopping. Our destinations only included Wal Mart, Office Max, and some craft stores; but I remained delighted nonetheless. Anyway... there I was, happily wandering through the craft store making silly jokes to my grandmother and my aunt, completely unaware of what was coming toward me in the aisle straight ahead. And then I looked up, and there he was: the first Utahn guy who was worth looking at. I couldn't help but just look at his face, and smile at him. Then, he smiled back, and his smile, was the most beautiful thing I had seen since entering the state of Utah. And then, he said, "How's it goin'?" And I couldn't do anything but smile back in a daze. It was the first time I had come close to some kind of interaction with anyone my age ever since I entered this horrible state. Let alone a gorgeous man! So there is still hope for me in Utah! Yes, I know, like the title says, I'm hecka pathetic. But how am I supposed to help myself when a gleaming ray of light at the end of the tunnel presented itself in the form of a beautiful man?!

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